Commit f3d9950f authored by Vadim Makeev's avatar Vadim Makeev

Missed “for”

parent 3bf35d48
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ To contribute to Shower fork needed repository and start making changes. Don't f
Please keep existing code style while contributing to Shower and be ready for code review by Shower authors and contributors. It's strognly recommended to validate your JavaScript changes using [JSHint](
By historical reasons, Shower project is using tabs instead of spaces code indentation. It's not a big deal to keep this rule while contributing using you code editor options, even if your code style is 13.4 spaces.
By historical reasons, Shower project is using tabs instead of spaces for code indentation. It's not a big deal to keep this rule while contributing using you code editor options, even if your code style is 13.4 spaces.
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