lr 10

parent 23c3118d
# sem3-ivt19-task1
Простой калькулятор
## Описание задачи
Реализуйте вычиление однооперандных операций в простом калькуляторе.
Процедуры для вычисления разместите внутри функции ```calculate()```
+: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) = 45.0
+: (1.000001, 2.000002, 3.00005) = 6.000053
+: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) = 45.0
-: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) = -45.0
/: (1, 2, 3, 4) = 0.04167
*: (1.0001, 2.2345) = 2.23472
+: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) = 45.0
......@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ def print_results(*args, action=None, result=None):
operands = args[:len(args)]
print('inp_args in pretty mode', operands, action, result)
from string import ascii_lowercase
......@@ -25,7 +24,6 @@ def print_results(*args, action=None, result=None):
return lst
arg_list=(" ".join((argsPrint(operands))))
action_list=(" ".join(actionPrint(operands, action)))
st = f"{arg_list} {action_list} = {result} |"
......@@ -33,11 +31,8 @@ def print_results(*args, action=None, result=None):
print('-' * len(st))
# Пример вывода большого количества аргументов
# inp = 100, 200, 300, action = +
# ************************************
# * A, B, C * A + B + C *
# ************************************
# * 100, 200, 300 * 13579 *
# ************************************
def write_log(*args, action=None, result=None, file='calc-history.log.txt'):
f = open(file, mode='a', errors='ignore')
f.write(f"{action}: {args} = {result} \n")
\ No newline at end of file
from calcprint import print_results
PARAMS = {'precision': 0.00001, 'output_type': float, 'possible_types': (int, float)}
from calcprint import print_results, write_log
PARAMS = {'precision': None,
'output_type': None,
'possible_types': None,
'dest': None}
def load_params(file="params.ini"):
global PARAMS
f = open(file, mode='r', errors='ignore')
lines = f.readlines()
for l in lines:
param = l.split('=')
param[1] = param[1].strip('\n')
if param[0] != 'dest':
param[1] = eval(param[1])
PARAMS[param[0]] = param[1]
def convert_precision(prec):
......@@ -15,52 +29,52 @@ def convert_precision(prec):
return int(len(x[1]))
def calculate(*args, **kwargs):
def calculate(*args, action=None, **kwargs):
global result
precision = convert_precision(kwargs['precision'])
output_type = kwargs['output_type']
if args[-1] == '+':
result_sum = sum(args[0:-1])
if type(result_sum) is not output_type:
result_sum = output_type(result_sum)
return result_sum
if args[-1] == '-':
for n in args[0:-1]:
result_diff -= n
if type(result_diff) is not output_type:
result_sum = output_type(result_diff)
return result_diff
if action == '+':
result = sum(args)
if type(result) is not output_type:
result = output_type(result)
if args[-1] == '*':
result_mult = 1
for n in args[0:-1]:
result_mult *= n
if type(result_mult) is not output_type:
result_mult = output_type(result_mult)
return round(result_mult, precision)
if action == '-':
for n in args:
result -= n
if type(result) is not output_type:
result = output_type(result)
if args[-1] == '/':
result_division = args[0]
for n in args[1:-1]:
result_division /= n
if type(result_division) is not output_type:
result_division = output_type(result_division)
return round(result_division, precision)
if action == '*':
result = 1
for n in args:
result *= n
if type(result) is not output_type:
result = output_type(result)
result = round(result, precision)
if action == '/':
result = args[0]
for n in args:
result /= n
if type(result) is not output_type:
result = output_type(result)
result = round(result, precision)
def test_packed_calc_sum():
inp1, action = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], "+"
assert calculate(*inp1, action,
**PARAMS) == 45.0, 'Sum of list of ints from 1 to 9'
assert type(calculate(*inp1, action, **
PARAMS)) is type(45.0), 'Type of sum is incorrect'
write_log(*args, action=action, result = result)
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
assert calculate(*list(range(1, 10)), "+", **PARAMS) == 45.0 # 1 + 2 + 3 + .. + 9
assert calculate(*list(range(1, 10)), "-", **PARAMS) == -45
assert calculate(*list(range(1, 5)), "/", **PARAMS) == 0.04167
assert calculate(*[1.0001, 2.2345], "*", **PARAMS)== 2.23472
print_results(*list(range(1, 10)), action = "+", result=calculate(*list(range(1, 10)), "+", **PARAMS))
\ No newline at end of file
print(calculate(*list(range(1, 10)), action = "+", **PARAMS))
assert PARAMS.get('dest') == 'output.txt', "Имя файла для записи истории вызовов функции calculate должно быть output.txt"
write_log(*(1.000001, 2.000002, 3.00005), action='+', result='6.000053')
assert calculate(*list(range(1, 10)), action = "+", **PARAMS) == 45.0 # 1 + 2 + 3 + .. + 9
assert calculate(*list(range(1, 10)), action = "-", **PARAMS) == -45
assert calculate(*list(range(1, 5)), action = "/", **PARAMS) == 0.04167
assert calculate(*[1.0001, 2.2345], action = "*", **PARAMS)== 2.23472
print_results(*list(range(1, 10)), action = "+", result=calculate(*list(range(1, 10)), action = "+", **PARAMS))
\ No newline at end of file
possible_types=(int, float)
\ No newline at end of file
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