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LifterLMS Helper Changelog

v3.4.1 - 2021-08-17

+ Fixed undefined index error encountered when programmatically deactivating a key that was not previously activated on the site.

v3.4.0 - 2021-08-04

##### Localization updates

+ Only runs localization functions when loaded as an independent plugin.
+ Replace the textdoman 'lifterlms-helper' with 'lifterlms'.

##### Updates

+ Use `llms_helper()` in favor of deprecated `LLMS_Helper()` in various locations.

##### Bugfix

+ Don't attempt to run migrations from versions less than 3.0.0 during first run when loaded as a library.

v3.3.1 - 2021-07-26

+ Load `llms_helper()->upgrader` WP_CLI context in preparation for forthcoming the `lifterlms-cli`.

v3.3.0 - 2021-06-14

+ This plugin is now included by default via the LifterLMS core in versions 5.0+. Installing this plugin directly will use the plugin version instead of the version included with the core. Direct installation is likely only required for development purposes when using LifterLMS 5.0+.
+ The main function `llms_helper()` is declared conditionally when the class `LifterLMS_Helper` is not yet declared.
+ Added a constant `LLMS_HELPER_DISABLE` which allows disabling of the plugin.
+ Distribution release zips now include a `composer.json` file to allow for installation via composer.

v3.2.1 - 2021-06-03

##### Updates

+ Flush cached update and add-on data when adding or removing license keys and when changing channel subscription for a package.
+ Enable updating to beta versions of packages that don't require a license when no license is present.

v3.2.0 - 2020-12-02

##### Updates

+ Moved the class `LifterLMS_Helper` class to its own file from `lifterlms-helper.php`.
+ Use `self::$instance` in favor of `self::$_instance`.
+ Use `llms()` in favor of deprecated `LLMS()`.
+ Use `llms_filter_input()` to access `$_POST` data in various places.
+ Use strict comparison for `in_array()`.

##### Bug fixes

+ Fixed usage of incorrect textdomain in various places.

##### Deprecations

+ Replaced usage of protected class property `$instance` in favor of `$_instance` in various singleton classes.
+ Function `LLMS_Helper()` is deprecated in favor of `llms_helper()`.
+ File `includes/model-llms-helper-add-on.php` is deprecated, use `includes/models/class-llms-helper-add-on.php` instead.

v3.1.0 - 2020-05-22

+ Load changelogs from the release notes archive in favor of from static html files.
+ Remove reliance on `file_get_contents()` causing errors on servers without access to the function.

v3.0.2 - 2018-08-29

+ Fixed fatal errors encountered as a result of failed API calls
+ Fixed broken links output on the plugins update screen when an add-on is unlicensed and has an update available
+ Fixed issue causing non-beta versions of the LifterLMS core to be served from instead of from

v3.0.1 - 2018-08-02

+ Fixed an issue causing key migration to run on the frontend resulting in a fatal error related to missing admin-only functions
+ Fixed an issue causing multiple submitted keys to not work properly on certain environments
+ Fixed issue causing installation script to make an activation API call even when no keys exist
+ Improved installation script message to only display a migration message when keys are actually migrated

v3.0.0 - 2018-08-01

+ **This is nearly a complete rewrite of the codebase. Things have moved but no features have been removed.**
+ Requires LifterLMS version 3.22.0 or later
+ License key activation is now on a per-site basis as opposed to a per product basis. This means that if you have a license key for a bundle you don't have to enter the key for each add-on, you enter the key only once and it will activate ALL the add-ons.
+ The "Licenses" tab has been removed and your add-ons and licenses are now managed via LifterLMS -> Add-ons & More
+ A migration script exists to move license keys from previous versions of the helper to this version. After upgrading check LifterLMS -> Add-ons & More to ensure your keys were successfully migrated.
+ You can now install add-ons through the this plugin without having to download and install them manually. Enter your license key(s) and select the add-ons you wish to install to have them installed automatically. You can bulk install as well.
+ You can now subscribe to beta channels of LifterLMS and any LifterLMS add-ons. Visit the LifterLMS -> Status -> Betas screen to subscribe to betas. Always use betas at your own risk, by nature they're unstable!
+ Uses the v3 REST api for all API calls
+ Added RTL language support
+ Added i18n support
+ Removed and replaced various functions
+ Fixes many bugs and almost certainly introduces some new ones

v2.5.1 - 2017-11-08

+ Fix issue causing false activations which cannot be deactivated due to blank activation keys

v2.5.0 - 2017-07-18

+ Allow add-ons to be bulk deactivated
+ Integrates with LifterLMS site clone detection in order to automatically activate plugins on your new URL when cloning to staging / production.
+ Following clone detection if activation fails the plugin will no longer show the add-ons as activated (since they're not activated on the new URL)
+ Minor admin-panel performance improvements
+ Now uses minified JS and CSS assets
+ Now fully translateable!

v2.4.3 - 2017-02-09

+ Handle undefined errors during post plugin install from zip file

v2.4.2 - 2017-01-20

+ Handle failed api calls gracefully

v2.4.1 - 2016-12-30

+ Cache add-on list prior to filtering

v2.4.0 - 2016-12-20

+ Added a unified Helper sceen accessible via LifterLMS -> Settings -> Helper
+ Activate multiple addons simultaneously via one API call
+ Site deactivation now deactivates from remote activation server in addition to local deactivation
+ Upgraded database key handling prevents accidental duplicate activation attempts
+ Fixed several undefined index warnings
+ Normalized option fields keys

v2.3.1 - 2016-10-12

+ Fixes issue with theme upgrade post install not working resulting in themes existing in the wrong directory after an upgrade

v2.3.0 - 2016-10-10

+ Significantly upgrades the speed of version checks. Previously checked each LifterLMS Add-on separately, now makes one API call to retreive versions of all installed LifterLMS Add-ons.
+ Adds support for the Universe Bundle which is one key associated with multiple products

v2.2.0 - 2016-07-06

+ After updates, clear cached update data so the upgrade doesn't still appear as pending
+ After changing license keys, clear cahced data so the next upgrade attempt will not fail again (unless it's still supposed to fail)
+ After updating the currently active theme, correctly reactivate the theme

v2.1.0 - 2016-06-14

+ Prevent hijacking the LifterLMS Core lightbox data when attempting to view update details on the plugin update screen.
+ Added [Parsedown]( to render Markdown style changelogs into HTML when viewing extension changelogs in the the lightbox on plugin update screens.

v2.0.0 - 2016-04-08

+ Includes theme-related APIs for serving updates for themes
+ Better error reporting and handling
+ A few very exciting performance enhancements

v1.0.2 - 2016-03-07

+ Fixed an undefined variable which produced a php warning when `WP_DEBUG` was enabled
+ Resolved an issue that caused the LifterLMS Helper to hijack the "details" and related plugin screens that display inside a lightbox in the plugins admin page.
+ Added a .editorconfig file
+ Added changelog file

v1.0.1 - 2016-02-11

+ Actual public release

v1.0.0 - 2016-02-10

+ Initial public release