<?php /** * Refunded Amount Widget * * @package LifterLMS/Admin/Reporting/Widgets/Classes * * @since 3.0.0 * @version 3.36.3 */ defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit; /** * Refunded Amount Widget class * * Retrieves the total amount of all refunded transactions * according to active filters. * * @since 3.0.0 * @since 3.36.3 In `format_response()` method avoid running `wp_list_pluck()` on non arrays. */ class LLMS_Analytics_Refunded_Widget extends LLMS_Analytics_Widget { public $charts = true; protected function get_chart_data() { return array( 'type' => 'amount', // Type of field. 'key' => 'amount', // Key of result field to add when counting. 'header' => array( 'id' => 'refunded', 'label' => __( 'Amount Refunded', 'lifterlms' ), 'type' => 'number', ), ); } public function set_query() { global $wpdb; $txn_meta_join = ''; $txn_meta_where = ''; // create an "IN" clause that can be used for later in WHERE clauses. if ( $this->get_posted_students() || $this->get_posted_posts() ) { // get an array of order based on posted students & products. $this->set_order_data_query( array( 'date_range' => false, 'query_function' => 'get_col', 'select' => array( 'orders.ID', ), 'statuses' => array( 'llms-active', 'llms-completed', 'llms-refunded', ), ) ); $this->query(); $order_ids = $this->get_results(); if ( $order_ids ) { $txn_meta_join = "JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} AS txn_meta ON txn_meta.post_id = txns.ID"; $txn_meta_where .= " AND txn_meta.meta_key = '_llms_order_id'"; $txn_meta_where .= ' AND txn_meta.meta_value IN ( ' . implode( ', ', $order_ids ) . ' )'; } else { $this->query_function = 'get_var'; $this->query = 'SELECT 0'; return; } } // date range will be used to get transactions between given dates. $dates = $this->get_posted_dates(); $this->query_vars = array( $this->format_date( $dates['start'], 'start' ), $this->format_date( $dates['end'], 'end' ), ); $this->query_function = 'get_results'; $this->output_type = OBJECT; $this->query = "SELECT txns.post_modified AS date , refund.meta_value AS amount FROM {$wpdb->posts} AS txns {$txn_meta_join} JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} AS refund ON refund.post_id = txns.ID WHERE ( txns.post_status = 'llms-txn-succeeded' OR txns.post_status = 'llms-txn-refunded' ) AND txns.post_type = 'llms_transaction' AND txns.post_date BETWEEN CAST( %s AS DATETIME ) AND CAST( %s AS DATETIME ) AND refund.meta_key = '_llms_refund_amount' {$txn_meta_where} ORDER BY txns.post_modified ASC ;"; } /** * Format response. * * @since unknown * @since 3.36.3 Avoid running `wp_list_pluck()` on non arrays. */ protected function format_response() { if ( ! $this->is_error() ) { $results = $this->get_results(); return llms_price_raw( floatval( is_array( $results ) ? array_sum( wp_list_pluck( $results, 'amount' ) ) : $results ) ); } } }